How to sign up

To sign up, please follow these instructions:

Step 1)  Go to and register:

Click on "Not a Member Yet" (circled in red above).

Step 2) Fill out your information

Please fill out all fields with a (*) next to them.   Don't forget to accept the terms and conditions, and enter the verification code.

Please note that the verification code in the above picture was 769, but yours may be different.  Type in whatever number it asks you to type in.

Finally, when done, click Go!

3) On the next page you can upload a photo of yourself, your facebook URL or twitter URL, and any other information you'd like to be visible in the directory.  This step is completely optional.  If you'd like to skip this step, simply click on "Submit" -- and you are done!

4) A board member must approve your account before you gain access to the other sections of the website such as classifieds, calendar of events, discussion formus, ratings and reviews, photos, etc.  

5) Once a board member approves your account (typically in less than 24 hours), you will get an email and can log in to the website with the userid and password you entered in step 2) and start enjoying all of the features the website has to offer.